Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Invisible Geek

No, I don't resemble the geeks you might know, but don't think that invisible geeks don't exist. We're everywhere . . .  workplaces, walking paths, grocery stores. We might be teaching your children. We may live in obscure surroundings. We may be mothers or gray-haired grandmothers. We share a love of all types of learning with everyone around us!

This invisible geek has led a dichotomous life. I graduated after three years of high school, married, and had four kids by the time I was 23 years old. I went on to earn two master's degrees and a Ph.D. How did I do that? Internal motivation, student loans, and food stamps. Today if I tried to better my life with education, conservatives would be telling me to pull myself up by my bootstraps and I would be cleaning motel rooms for a living--and still needing food assistance!

We cannot allow conservatives to continue their path of destruction. I am proud to pay my taxes and support the educational future of our country. I want to describe how helping people in poverty is not only the right thing to do, but an investment. Join me as I consider a variety of topics from a Nearly/a/Data Geek point-of-view.

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